Master the BLIND 75: Important Sheet for Interview Preparation!

The BLIND 75 sheet is a curated list of 75 essential coding problems designed to help software engineers prepare for technical interviews. It focuses on key topics and problem types commonly encountered during interviews, making it a valuable resource for candidates looking to enhance their coding skills and confidence.

Key Features:

  1. Diverse Topics: The problems cover a range of important topics, including arrays, strings, dynamic programming, trees, graphs, and more. This ensures a well-rounded preparation.
  2. Effective Learning: Each problem is selected for its relevance and potential to appear in interviews, allowing candidates to practice efficiently.
  3. Structured Approach: The BLIND 75 encourages a systematic approach to problem-solving, helping candidates to think critically and improve their algorithmic skills.
  4. Community Endorsement: This list has been widely recommended by experienced developers and interview coaches, reinforcing its effectiveness as a preparation tool.
  5. Resources and Solutions: Many candidates supplement the BLIND 75 with online resources, discussions, and solutions, fostering a deeper understanding of each problem.


The primary goal of the BLIND 75 sheet is to equip candidates with the necessary skills and confidence to tackle coding interviews successfully. By focusing on these key problems, candidates can streamline their study efforts and maximize their chances of landing their desired job.


  1. Two Sum
  2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  3. Contains Duplicate
  4. Product of Array Except Self
  5. Maximum Subarray
  6. Maximum Product Subarray
  7. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
  8. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
  9. 3 Sum
  10. Container With Most Water


  1. Sum of Two Integers
  2. Number of 1 Bits
  3. Counting Bits
  4. Missing Number
  5. Reverse Bits

Dynamic Programming

  1. Climbing Stairs
  2. Coin Change
  3. Longest Increasing Subsequence
  4. Longest Common Subsequence
  5. Word Break Problem
  6. Combination Sum
  7. House Robber
  8. House Robber II
  9. Decode Ways
  10. Unique Paths
  11. Jump Game


  1. Clone Graph
  2. Course Schedule
  3. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
  4. Number of Islands
  5. Longest Consecutive Sequence
  6. Alien Dictionary (Leetcode Premium)
  7. Graph Valid Tree (Leetcode Premium)
  8. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph (Leetcode Premium)


  1. Insert Interval
  2. Merge Intervals
  3. Non-overlapping Intervals
  4. Meeting Rooms (Leetcode Premium)
  5. Meeting Rooms II (Leetcode Premium)

Linked List

  1. Reverse a Linked List
  2. Detect Cycle in a Linked List
  3. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  4. Merge K Sorted Lists
  5. Remove Nth Node From End Of List
  6. Reorder List


  1. Set Matrix Zeroes
  2. Spiral Matrix
  3. Rotate Image
  4. Word Search


  1. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  2. Longest Repeating Character Replacement
  3. Minimum Window Substring
  4. Valid Anagram
  5. Group Anagrams
  6. Valid Parentheses
  7. Valid Palindrome
  8. Longest Palindromic Substring
  9. Palindromic Substrings
  10. Encode and Decode Strings (Leetcode Premium)


  1. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  2. Same Tree
  3. Invert/Flip Binary Tree
  4. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
  5. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
  6. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
  7. Subtree of Another Tree
  8. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
  9. Validate Binary Search Tree
  10. Kth Smallest Element in a BST
  11. Lowest Common Ancestor of BST
  12. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
  13. Add and Search Word
  14. Word Search II

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By Aman Singh

He is a computer science engineer specialized in artificial intelligence and machine learning. His passion for technology and a relentless drive for continuous learning make him a forward-thinking innovator. With a deep interest in leveraging AI to solve real-world challenges, he is always exploring new advancements and sharing insights to help others stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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